
Laser + composite heat source welding system
Laser + composite heat source welding system
  • Hotline: +86 (0)512-57328118

  • Mailbox:sales@huahengweld.com

  • Description

    The arc-laser composite heat source welding system can meet a variety of welding structure forms (butt joint, lap joint, etc.), and the robot can meet the multi-position welding within the set size range. According to customer needs, to meet the different requirements of customers.

    It can realize argon tungsten arc welding with a single light source; laser self-fusion welding and laser wire filling welding; dual light sources can realize laser-TIG hybrid welding, laser + MIG, laser + plasma; at the same time, the equipment can realize continuous welding, intermittent welding and spot welding. Solid welding; butt joint, lap joint and other welding structures; centralized monitoring can be added according to customer needs; welding seam tracking and automatic control of the processing process; robot motion programming, offline programming, etc. (to achieve 11-axis linkage); real-time monitoring of molten pool temperature; Welding pool welding screen monitoring; real-time monitoring and analysis of arc current and voltage; it can realize the welding of various three-dimensional curved surfaces, curves and other complex parts. It can meet the technical requirements of customers with one machine for multiple purposes.

    相關標簽: AutomatedWeldingSystem

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